Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Hell House by Richard Matheson - 3 Stars

"Rolf Rudolph Deutsch is going die. But when Deutsch, a wealthy magazine and newspaper publisher, starts thinking seriously about his impending death, he offers to pay a physicist and two mediums, one physical and one mental, $100,000 each to establish the facts of life after death.

Dr. Lionel Barrett, the physicist, accompanied by the mediums, travel to the Belasco House in Maine, which has been abandoned and sealed since 1949 after a decade of drug addiction, alcoholism, and debauchery. For one night, Barrett and his colleagues investigate the Belasco House and learn exactly why the townfolks refer to it as the Hell House."


For someone like Stephen King to say this is the scariest haunted house novel ever written (granted it was back in the 70's), I was really disappointed in this one. I kept waiting for something crazy scary to happen. I'm not sure if I'm immune to horror books or what, since I watch a lot of horror movies, but I have yet to find a book that actually scares me.

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