Saturday, October 9, 2021

Yours Cruelly, Elvira by Cassandra Peterson - 5 Stars

 "Nearing age 30, a struggling actress considered past her prime, she auditioned at local LA channel KHJ as hostess for the late night vintage horror movies. Cassandra improvised, made the role her own, and got the job on the spot. Yours Cruelly, Elvira is an unforgettably wild memoir. Cassandra doesn't shy away from revealing exactly who she is and how she overcame seemingly insurmountable odds. Always original and sometimes outrageous, her story is loaded with twists, travails, revelry, and downright shocking experiences. It is the candid, often funny, and sometimes heart-breaking tale of a Midwest farm girl's long strange trip to become the world's sexiest, sassiest Halloween icon."

I was really excited when this book came out. I'm not normally a fan of Hollywood memoirs, but I love horror movies and remember Elvira from my younger years. The description of the book pulled me in and boy did it deliver. There were a few slow spots half way through the book, but when I did sit down to read, I flew through it and really enjoyed the stories. 

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